Terms & Conditions
When joining Streetvibes Dance Academy or taking part in any of our camps and workshops, you enter an agreement to follow our terms and conditions outlined below.
Commitment to Lessons, Rehearsals & Performances
Attending all classes is vital to ensure that our pupils learn all the skills, moves or tricks required to apply and develop. If classes are continually missed, a pupil may not be able to perform at the level required and therefore may not be placed in any performances. Please also be mindful that a lack of attendance not only put’s personal abilities at a disadvantage, but it will affect others who may not be able to perform with a missing class member.
We expect that sometimes classes will have to be missed under special circumstances. In this event, the principal must be notified as soon as possible. It may also be necessary to cancel classes under special circumstances that the principal has no control (epidemic, extreme weather conditions etc), fees cannot be returned or compensation made for any period of training lost. However Streetvibes Dance Academy will endeavour to provide alternative classes or arrangements where possible.
Streetvibes Dance Academy Clothing & Pupil Behaviour
It is imperative that pupils wear the correct attire to perform in, to avoid injury and to ensure they perform to the best of their ability. Correct attire must include a piece of Streetvibes Dance Academy branded uniform and appropriate bottoms i.e. joggers, leggings or shorts. Correct footwear will vary as to what class the pupil is taking part in. Trainers must be worn for dance and acro based classes and tap and ballet shoes must be worn for tap and ballet classes. All Streetvibes Dance Academy uniform is available for purchase through our website. All uniform orders are non-returnable/refundable. If incorrect or non apprpriate attire is worn to class, the pupil will not be able to take part in the class due to the risk of injury.
We want to create a fun, friendly and safe environment where all the students feel comfortable so unreasonable behaviour will not be tolerated at Streetvibes Dance Academy and in extreme and/or continued case's, the student will be asked to leave the academy.
Joining Fee
For any new students there is a one off joining fee of £20 that will be added to the following month's subscription payment plan as a covering payment. This joining fee is the cost of a Double Sided Streetvibes T-Shirt that your child will need to wear to classes . Once the payment has been made you will receive an online voucher code to the value of £20 to spend at our online shop.
This joining fee is exempt from any offers or discount's running at the time of payment.
Class payments will be made automatically via a subscription plan on the 1st of every month. This will split monthly fees into 11 equal payments between the academic year, September - July. Our subscriptions will use a recurring card payment rather than a direct debit. We have made the choice to use recurring card payments rather than DD to put parents and carers at ease that even if their payment fails, it will be retried another two times and unlike a DD, this will also not affect your credit score. During the initial set-up you will receive an email requesting for your card details to set up the subscription plan for the amount of your child's classes per month. Once inputted, Class For Kids will automatically place you on a temporary plan of £0 per month and Streetvibes Dance Academy will then assign you an individual subscription plan as you may be eligible for multi-class discount. You will then receive an email shortly after, confirming that you have been assigned a plan which will state the exact amount that will be taken each month. You will only be required to put your card details in once for this academic year. This is the only way of payment we accept at Streetvibes Dance Academy as by streamlining our payment options to online subscriptions, this allows us to keep our admin to a minimum, focus on teaching, continually improve the classes and to focus on other aspects/opportunities for the academy.
If your child starts a new/additional class mid-way through a month, a covering charge will be added to your next subscription payment to cover the cost of that class for the month prior and your subscription plan will be adjusted on the new month. You will be emailed with any changes to your subscription plan.
Payments for any workshops or camps at Streetvibes Dance Academy do not follow the subscription plan above and are just single one off payments.
All classes are chargeable even if the student does not attend class for whatever reason. Late payment fees will be applied to overdue invoices and teachers have the right to refuse any pupil to attend class if their fees are outstanding.
The principal has the right to adjust fees as and when necessary.
All class, costume, workshop and camp fees are non transferable or refundable.
Multi-Class Discount
We offer a multi-class discount of 5% as we want our students to be able to take part in as many classes as they can. Competition classes are exempt from the multi-class discount.
By joining our academy you consent to a doctor/ambulance being called on behalf of you/the pupil in an emergency.
Lost Property
By joining our academy you agree that Streetvibes Dance Academy is NOT responsible for any money or articles of value lost or damaged on the premises.
Leaving Streetvibes Dance Academy/Stopping A Class
If your child decides to no longer be a part of Streetvibes Dance Academy or decides to drop a class at the academy; in line with our current terms and conditions, we will require a 30 days notice in order for us to cancel the subscription. If the 1st of the month falls within the 30 days notice, we will recalculate the final payment.